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Tips Buying Collaborative Robots

Tips Buying Collaborative Robots

In this industry 4.0 era, many companies have started to switch to using automation systems. This was done to continue to reduce costs and streamline the company's performance. With the technology available today, companies can integrate Collaborative robots to automate various applications even for complex applications. But on the other hand, the automation products are products that are High Involvement so many things must be considered before buying the product.

The following are important things to consider when switching to an automation system:

1. Payload
Payload is the maximum weight that can be accommodated. Determination of the payload is very important before buying Collaborative Robot because each robot must have its own payload capacity. By determining the payload to be used first, it will reduce the risk of damage to the Collaborative robot.

2. Precision
Determination of the level of precision is very important to buy a suitable Collaborative Robot. This can be done by identifying parts of the process. The level of tolerance that builds up from variations in parts, methods for inserting parts, tools and cabling can all have an impact on precision calculations as well.

3. Range
Determination of the longest movement required for the application and the amount of space needed for the workcell process will determine the type of Collaborative robot needed for the application. This must be considered because each Collaborative robot has its own dimensions.

4. Supporting Equipment
Peripheral component considerations can be needed after identification of in-process requirements. This includes spare parts feeders, End Effectors tools, safety equipment, and also robot tables / mats.

5. Vendors
Robot vendors can assist in determining the appropriate robot for the application used. The robot vendor and will offer proof of concept, feasibility study or cycle time before buying the appropriate type of Collaborative Robot.

We PT Surya Sarana Dinamika as a Distributor of Automation and Robotic Products are Official Distributors of Collaborative Robot products in Indonesia such as Universal Robot, Mobile Industrial Robot. We provide product development and manufacturing technology services for your projects in various industries.

For more information about Collaborative Robot products or a visit please visit our Wesite at www.suryasarana.com or contact:

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Perkantoran Mega Sunter B-40 Jl. Danau Sunter Selatan, Jakarta, 14350, Indonesia
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p (62-21) 2956 1789 | e customercare@suryasarana.com

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Berita Tips Buying Collaborative Robots


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