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Berita Kunjungan PT Surya Sarana Dinamika ke BBPPMPV BMTI Bandung bbppmpv bmti bandung
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Kunjungan PT Surya Sarana Dinamika ke BBPPMPV BMTI Bandung

Kunjungan PT Surya Sarana Dinamika ke BBPPMPV BMTI Bandung

On January 13, 2025, PT Surya Sarana Dinamika conducted an official visit to BBPPMPV BMTI (Center for Development and Quality Assurance of Vocational Education in Machinery and Industrial Engineering), located in Bandung. This visit marked a strategic step in fostering synergy between the industrial sector and vocational education to support the development of superior human resources (HR) in the Industry 4.0 era.

The visit was attended by Mr. Fajar Suryawan, President Director of PT Surya Sarana Dinamika, and Mr. Kusmana, S.Pd., Head of the Alignment and Cooperation Team for Business and Industry (DUDI) of BBPPMPV BMTI, along with their respective teams. This meeting served as a platform for productive discussions about strategic collaboration plans between the two parties.

The key points of focus discussed during the meeting include the following:

• Job Connector for Robotic Workforce HR
This program is designed to bridge the industry's need for competent robotic workforce. Through this program, it is expected that vocational education graduates will connect with companies requiring skilled professionals in automation and robotics.

• Curriculum Synchronization
One of the important steps in this collaboration is aligning vocational education curricula with the needs of the industry. This synchronization aims to ensure that graduates possess relevant competencies and are job-ready in line with the demands of modern technology in the digitalization era.

• Robotics and Industrial IoT Training
As part of efforts to enhance HR competencies, specialized training in robotics and Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) is planned. This training is expected to improve participants' technical understanding and practical skills in addressing increasingly complex industrial technology challenges.

This collaboration is a tangible manifestation of the commitment of PT Surya Sarana Dinamika and BBPPMPV BMTI to support the development of competent, innovative, and globally competitive HR. By partnering with vocational education institutions, PT Surya Sarana Dinamika demonstrates its active role in driving educational transformation based on the needs of modern industries.

It is hoped that this strategic step will have a significant positive impact on the industrial and educational sectors while preparing Indonesia's younger generation to face future challenges and opportunities. Let us work together to build a more advanced Indonesia through harmonious collaboration between education and industry!

PIDI SSD Robotics-IoT Center
Delta Commercial Park 1 Blok A No. 6
Jl. Kenari Raya Delta Silicon 6
Lippo Cikarang - Bekasi, 17550, Indonesia
P: (62-21) 8991 1097
F: (62-21) 8991 1098
E: cikarang@suryasarana.com
Berita Kunjungan PT Surya Sarana Dinamika ke BBPPMPV BMTI Bandung


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