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Berita Kunjungan Industri Perwakilan SMK se-Kabupaten Bekasi smk se kab bekasi
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Kunjungan Industri Perwakilan SMK se-Kabupaten Bekasi

Kunjungan Industri Perwakilan SMK se-Kabupaten Bekasi

Today, the PIDI SSD Robotics IoT Center welcomed an industrial visit from representatives of vocational high school (SMK) teachers across Bekasi Regency. This visit serves as a strategic step in understanding the development of Industry 4.0 while providing direct insights to teachers about the latest technologies applied in the industrial sector.

During the visit, the teachers had the opportunity to witness firsthand the state-of-the-art facilities at the PIDI SSD Robotics IoT Center. They were also given presentations on advanced technologies such as automation and the Internet of Things (IoT), which are rapidly evolving in modern industries. This experience allows teachers to broaden their understanding of how technology can be applied to production processes and industrial management more efficiently.

Additionally, an interactive discussion session was held between the teachers and experts in industrial technology. In this session, teachers could ask various questions related to technology implementation and how the vocational school curriculum can be aligned with the needs of the industry. This was a golden opportunity for educators to gain firsthand insights from experienced practitioners in high-tech industries.

This visit also aims to improve the quality of human resources in education, particularly in preparing vocational high school graduates to be more ready for the workforce. By understanding the latest industrial developments, teachers are expected to adapt their teaching methods to be more relevant and technology-based. Furthermore, collaboration between education and industry is hoped to continue, fostering a positive synergy in producing high-quality workers who are ready to compete in the global market.

The participants were highly enthusiastic about engaging in the various activities prepared for them. They expressed hope that industrial visits like this could be conducted regularly, strengthening the link between vocational education and the industrial sector. It is hoped that the knowledge and experience gained from this visit can be applied in schools, helping to produce more competent graduates who are ready to compete in the Industry 4.0 era.

PIDI SSD Robotics-IoT Center
Delta Commercial Park 1 Blok A No. 6
Jl. Kenari Raya Delta Silicon 6
Lippo Cikarang - Bekasi, 17550, Indonesia
P: (62-21) 8991 1097
F: (62-21) 8991 1098
E: cikarang@suryasarana.com

#SSDAutomation #Kemenperin #BPSDMI #Industri4 #TransformasiDigital #SDMIndustri #InovasiTeknologi #OtomasiIndustri #Robotik #Magang #Internship #SMKSiapKerja #KunjunganIndustri #VokasiUnggul #DariSekolahKeDuniaKerja
Berita Kunjungan Industri Perwakilan SMK se-Kabupaten Bekasi


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