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Sharing insights and experiences in the industry with SMK Negeri 1 Kabupaten Tangerang

Sharing insights and experiences in the industry with SMK Negeri 1 Kabupaten Tangerang

Industrial Visit of SMK Negeri 1 Kabupaten Tangerang to PIDI SSD Robotics-IoT Center

On February 12, 2025, students of SMK Negeri 1 Kabupaten Tangerang had the opportunity to conduct an industrial visit to PIDI SSD Robotics-IoT Center. This activity aimed to broaden their knowledge of the working world and provide direct experience regarding industrial processes relevant to their field of expertise studied at school.

The visit began with an opening session and a welcome speech from the company representatives. In the speech, the company provided an overview of its vision, mission, and the role of the industry in technological advancements and the job market. Students were introduced to various innovations applied in robotics-based and Internet of Things (IoT) industries, which are currently the main trends in manufacturing and technology.

After the opening session, the activity continued with a presentation discussing production processes, technologies used, and industry standards implemented at PIDI SSD Robotics-IoT Center. This session provided students with new insights into how the theories they learned in school are applied in real work environments. They were also introduced to the concepts of industrial automation, IoT integration in production processes, and how these technologies contribute to increasing production efficiency and effectiveness.

The next session was an interactive Q&A session. In this session, students had the opportunity to ask professionals about various aspects of the industry, from challenges in the field, career opportunities, to the skills needed to compete in the modern workforce. This discussion provided in-depth knowledge and motivation for students to continue developing their skills to be ready for a competitive job market.

As the main part of the visit, students were taken on a tour to observe production facilities and the latest industrial technologies implemented by the company. Through this activity, they could directly witness how cutting-edge technologies are used in production processes, from automation systems and robotics programming to IoT implementation in industrial data management. This experience provided a more comprehensive understanding of the skills required in today’s industrial world.

The activity concluded with a documentation session and group photos as a form of appreciation for the opportunity given by PT Surya Sarana Dinamika. This moment became a valuable memory for the students, who had gained direct experience in an industry relevant to their field of expertise.

Through this industrial visit, it is hoped that students of SMK Negeri 1 Kabupaten Tangerang can gain a deeper understanding of how industries operate and enhance their readiness to face challenges in the job market. Additionally, this activity serves as motivation for students to continue learning and developing their skills to compete in the era of Industry 4.0 and a technology-driven future.

PIDI SSD Robotics-IoT Center
Delta Commercial Park 1 Blok A No. 6
Jl. Kenari Raya Delta Silicon 6
Lippo Cikarang - Bekasi, 17550, Indonesia
P: (62-21) 8991 1097
F: (62-21) 8991 1098
E: cikarang@suryasarana.com

#SSDAutomation #Kemenperin #BPSDMI #Industri4 #TransformasiDigital #SDMIndustri #InovasiTeknologi #OtomasiIndustri #Robotik #Magang #Internship #SMKSiapKerja #KunjunganIndustri #VokasiUnggul #DariSekolahKeDuniaKerja
Berita Sharing insights and experiences in the industry with SMK Negeri 1 Kabupaten Tangerang


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